To determine the price of our products is really simple.

First, there is no charge to your card until after you complete your charge card information and click on "SUBMIT".

Just navigate to the page that contains the grips you want and click on the "Click here to order" box.

This will take you to our shopping cart. The price with no options will show at the top
and bottom of the shopping cart options page. Just fill in the blanks or select the pull
down arrows to select the option you want. Your price at the top of the page will
change if necessary as you select the various options. It's that simple.

Shipping and Handling price is $7.00 and will be added during final checkout.

There's always a few exceptions, right? Well there isn't a lot.

First, changing the quantity will NOT adjust the price until you select all the other options and click on "ADD TO CART" to go to the next page. Here, the quantity price is shown.  There is no charge to your card until after you complete your charge card information and click on "SUBMIT"

Next, when selecting the "desired image", if you are going to send your own image, select the 2nd from the top which is "Use my image" This will add the cost of having us add your custom image to the grips.  It also prompts us to find your image in e-mail or look for the uploaded image which you can select during checkout.

Finally, some things cannot be selected using the standard shopping cart.   At the bottom of the order slip, you will find a box for "Additional Instructions".  In this box you can type anything we haven't covered in the options above. 

Finally, if you cannot find what you want, you may need to send an e-mail to: We'll do our best to clear up any confusion and answer your questions.

Phone: 505.363.8355 9-5 MST (New Mexico)